
麻花影视娱乐人气:296时间:2023-06-07 10:04:51

The review of American film 'Vigilante' in English Translation

"Vigilante" is a 1983 action film directed by William Lustig. The story follows Eddie Marino, a factory worker whose life is shattered after his wife is brutally attacked and his son murdered by a street gang. Frustrated with the ineffective justice system, Eddie joins a group of vigilantes to take matters into their own hands.

The film tackles the theme of vigilantism and the question of whether justice can be achieved outside the law. The action scenes are intense and thrilling, but the film also has a strong emotional core with the portrayal of Eddie's grief and his moral struggle.

The performances by Robert Forster as Eddie and Fred Williamson as Nick, the leader of the vigilante group, are particularly noteworthy. The film also features a memorable soundtrack by Jay Chattaway.

Overall,"Vigilante" is a well-made and thought-provoking action film. It poses difficult questions about justice and the role of law enforcement in our society. The translation of this film can help the foreign audience truly understand and appreciate its message.



The English Translation of the Movie Review for “American Movie Vandal”

“American Movie Vandal” is a highly controversial film that has stirred up a lot of debate. Its story revolves around a group of young men who engage in extreme and dangerous behavior while filming themselves for a YouTube channel. The film has been praised for its raw and gritty depiction of youth culture in America, but it has also been criticized for glorifying reckless behavior and promoting a negative image of American youth.

The movie delves into the underground world of these vandals and the consequences they face for their actions. The characters are portrayed in a realistic way, showing their flaws, weaknesses, and how they struggle with their own personalities. The film also highlights the power of social media in today's society and how it can be used to both promote and destroy someone's reputation.

Despite its controversial nature,"American Movie Vandal" is a thought-provoking and engaging film that tells a compelling story. It forces the audience to think about the consequences of their actions and the role they play in shaping the world around them. Overall, it is a movie that is not for everyone, but for those who are willing to venture into the sometimes uncomfortable world of youth culture and social media, it is a must-see film.




影片的英语翻译版,取名为“Mean Streets”,意为“恶名街道”。这个汇聚了犯罪、爱情、暴力等元素的电影,讲述了一个美国城市底层人物的生存状态。在这个充斥着黑暗和无望的世界中,人们的灵魂逐渐被扭曲和破碎。电影的结局尤为让人深思,其中一个角色在犯下一场错误后,选择离开这个底层社会,而其他角色则继续陷入无尽的暴力和混乱之中。








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